Penis Enlargement is a process that aims to increase the size of the penis of the person who has a very small sized penis. The penis enlargement includes treatments like applying patches, ointments, gels, etc., on the penis. If this doesn’t work, then also some of the surgical methods are being processed to get the results.
If a person is suffering from a small penis problem, then many of the men hesitate to consult a doctor. But this is not the solution; only a doctor can provide the Best treatment for penile Enlargement.
Talking about Pune, the Urolife Clinic is the best place for Penis growth hormone treatment in Pune. According to Dr. Irfan Shaikh from the Urolife clinic, there are certain risks in the penis enlargement treatment. The risks include: –
To perform the surgery, it is very important to provide anesthesia to the patient, which may have certain risks like Pneumonia, vomiting, and heart attack.
Loss of fat:
Due to the Penile dysfunction treatment in Pune, the Doctor states that the risk of loss of fats inside the body increases. Due to the surgery, the fat is reabsorbed into the body.
Due to the surgery, it is possible that the patient may cause certain body infections, which may increase the itching on the skin, may leave certain marks on the skin caused due to infection, etc.
Due to the surgery, there are chances that certain scars may appear on your skin, which is also one of the risks which may harm you.
Let us now talk about the causes of the small penis in men: –
Hormonal problem:
Usually, in men, the small penis size is a hormonal problem. The testosterone hormone in the male is not adequate, or a male may have testosterone-related issues that may cause him a small penis.
In some of the males, increased obesity often causes the penis size to be small.
Increased weight:
Due to increased weight, the fats may grow near the penis, which affects the blood flow and results in a small penis.
Peyronie’s disease:
Due to the curving of the penis shape, it might reduce the size of the penis. This disease is known as Peyronie’s disease.
In most men, the penis size decreases as their age increases.
We can now conclude that if you suffer from a small penis problem, then you should consult a good Doctor. The Urolife Clinic in Pune is the best place for Penile Dysfunction treatment in Pune. If you have any queries regarding the cost of penis enlargement treatment in Pune then Contact us on 8686353030.