पेनाईल इम्प्लांटचे प्रकार आणि त्याचे फायदे ( Types of penile implants and their benefits in Marathi)
पेनाईल इम्प्लांट (penile implant) सध्या जगातील सर्वोत्तम उपकरण आहे, ते मानवांमध्ये [...]
पेनाईल इम्प्लांट (penile implant) सध्या जगातील सर्वोत्तम उपकरण आहे, ते मानवांमध्ये [...]
Penile Implant has emerged as one of the most successful [...]
A penile implant is a much-discussed topic recently, and men [...]
Suffering from ED or Erectile Dysfunction has become quite common [...]
प्रोस्टेट(Prostate) ग्रंथि मूत्राशय (glandular bladder) और मूत्रमार्ग (urethra) के बीच [...]
Men often feel that their penis size is not accurate, [...]
Suffering from various urological disorders is common in men. Therefore, [...]
Phalloplasty is a revolution in medical science, and this surgery [...]
Suffering from an enlarged prostate is not new to [...]
Dr. Sean Park hosted Dr. Irfan Shaikh, from India, [...]